Christopher Hogg

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An Industry Showcase - Vive Le DIY

So, £648.00 - that's what it costs to hire a 60 seat theatre in London from 10am - 10am. That is what it costs to take some control back over your career. Yes. That's what I am trying to do. My experience of sending out work is that it is oh so slow! And you can only build so many meaningful relationships. All writers feel like the runt of the litter, trying to suckle at the theatrical teat! 

I am 43. And I sometimes wonder what a new-writing theatre sees when it sees me. Well I think that they see someone who doesn't need that much help. Someone who could very likely work out how to push their career forward on their own. And you know what. They are right. I can't do this every week, but I can do it myself this time. 

I am going to be putting on two shows in the same day. Rathband at 3pm and FVZii in the evening.  Here are the flyers. Get in contact if you want to come along.